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bus and train

Take a ride on the easy side.

Commuting in traffic sucks. By taking a bus or train, you can avoid it altogether and leave the driving to someone else.

What is it?

Local transit—including public buses and commuter trains—remains one of the smartest ways to navigate hectic roadways.

Why ride a Bus & Train?

Buses and trains are predictable, comfortable, fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly.

They’re also super affordable as an alternative to driving. What’s more, they reduce car emissions (making our air cleaner!), save natural resources by reducing fuel consumption, and reduce fatalities due to road accidents. Need more reasons to believe?

A fresher option:

More perks…

  • Buses and trains provide reliable and safe journeys—plus WiFi so you can stay productive while you ride.
  • They reduce traffic density on our roads.
  • Stanislaus County’s transit agencies offer everything from fixed route services and commuter buses, to train connections, dial-a-ride and commuter shuttles.

Did You Know

  • An average American spends 40 hours a year in slow-moving traffic.
  • In Stanislaus County, only 0.8% of people commute by public transit.
  • 46.3% of all public transportation commuters in the U.S. (about 3.6 million people) reported the bus as their primary commuting mode.


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1111 I Street, Suite 308
Modesto, CA 95354

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